As   open enrollment for health insurance exchanges grows nearer, employers face a   deadline to notify employees about the availability of these new marketplaces.   Let’s look at who is subject to the requirements, the deadline for   notification and other important   details. Background The Affordable Care Act   (ACA) requires employers to provide their employees with a written… Read More

Meltzer honored by palsy group Story Comments ShareShare         Print                Create a hardcopy of this page                Font Size:                Default font size                    Larger font size        PreviousNext Meltzer honored by palsy group   Shortly after learned that his youngest daughter, Shari, was afflicted with cerebral palsy 17 years ago, Joel Meltzer became an… Read More

All Legal Same-Sex Marriages Will Be Recognized for Federal Tax Purposes In late August 2013, the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the IRS ruled that same-sex couples, legally married in jurisdictions that recognize their marriages, will be treated as married for federal tax purposes. The ruling applies regardless of whether the couple lives in… Read More

Home > News > Proposed small employers’ health insurance premium tax credit rules issued Proposed small employers’ health insurance premium tax credit rules issued By Sally P. Schreiber, J.D. August 23, 2013 On Friday, the IRS issued proposed regulations governing the Sec. 45R credit for small employers that offer health insurance coverage for employees (REG-113792-13).… Read More

Affordable Care Act for Individuals & Families Affordable Care Act Tax Provisions for Individuals and FamiliesThe Affordable Care Act, or health care law, contains new health insurance coverage and financial assistance options for individuals and families. The IRS will administer the tax provisions included in the law. Visit for more information on coverage options… Read More

Pay your taxes or lose your license State warns scofflaws who owe $10G could lose driving privileges Jimmy Vielkin, Times Union By Jimmy Vielkind Published 10:10 pm, Monday, August 5, 2013 Page 1 of 1 Albany Some 16,000 delinquent taxpayers were put on notice Monday: Pay up or lose your driver’s license. The Department of… Read More

The IRS has reportedly sent Notifications of Possible Income Underreporting to approximately 20,000 employers based on the information reports it has received on their debit and credit card transactions. “We have heard from tax practitioners whose clients are small business owners who have received letters from the IRS titled Notification of Possible Income Underreporting,” he… Read More

Tax identity theft has grown exponentially over the past several years. Identity theft has topped the Internal Revenue Service’s “Dirty Dozen” annual list of tax scams for both 2012 and 2013, and also appeared on the list in 2011. According to the National Taxpayer Advocate Service, identity theft grew by more than 650 percent between… Read More

Tip: The chance of being audited rises with income level. In 2012, only 0.9% of those with incomes under $200,000 were audited; 3.7% of those with incomes between $200,000 and $1 million were audited; and 12.1% of those with income over $1 million were audited. Source: Internal Revenue Service, 2013 “Audit” is a word that… Read More

By Dr. Don Taylor, Ph.D., CFA, CFP, CASL • Dear Retirement Adviser, My question seems fairly simple. If I don’t take my Social Security benefits right away, do I lose them or can I collect the funds at any time? My sense is that I do not benefit by waiting. My Social Security benefit… Read More